Finding the Rabbit
Saturday, November 04, 2006
About a month ago, I came up with the idea of hooking my CE15 class up with pen pals in America. Jennifer was very excited, and the idea quickly expanded to include my Saturday reading and writing class, as well as a few individuals who aren’t in any group classes. I tried to contact the few teachers I know in America to set this up, but nobody responded. Then I tried my own school in Michigan, which is K-12 and which I had attended in high school. No one responded to my emails there either, but my mom went over there in person and was able to connect with some of the middle school faculty. And it worked - there are now 18 fifth and sixth graders in Michigan ready for pen pals in Taiwan, and I have about eighteen 9-12 year olds in Taiwan ready for pen pals in America! Nothing has happened yet, but I hope in the next week or so we can match them up and get them started on writing their letters.

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